Illness or injury

  • It can be worrisome to seek medical attention when you fall ill or get injured while traveling.
  • Travelers should ensure they have travel insurance. Many travel insurance policies cover some or all medical expenses.
  • Take a deep breath to calm yourself in an emergency, and slowly explain your situation over the phone.
  • Emergency Contacts
    • Ambulance and Fire Department: 119 Call this number if you need an ambulance or if you have a fire
    • Police: 110 Call this number if you are involved in or witness an accident or a crime.
  • Multilingual Support
    • Japan Visitor Hotline (JNTO) Phone number: 050-3816-2787(24 hours a day, 365 days a year)
Source: Japan National Tourism Organization
  • Emergency phrases
  • Help me : Tasukete kudasai(助けて下さい)
  • I want to go to the hospital : Byouin ni ikitai desu(病院に行きたいです)
  • Please call an ambulance : Kyūkyūsha wo yonde kudasai(救急車を呼んで下さい)
  • I have pain here : Koko ni itami ga arimasu(ここに痛みがあります)
  • I was injured : Watashi wa kega o shimashita(私はケガをしました)
  • Where is the hospital? : Doko ni byōin ga arimasu ka?(どこに病院がありますか?)

Is there a doctor? : Isha wa imasu ka?(医者はいますか?)

Please call the police : Keisatsu o yonde kudasai(警察を呼んでください)

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